Reboot Forum’s Health Talks
Submission Form
Our ‘Health Talks’ are the ultimate way to influence, criticize, and raise public/professional awareness or to share innovative ideas with Israel’s health community and the general public. They are widely published and available on various media platforms. If you wish to share your Health Talk on the next available opportunity, please apply here.
Q & A
Who can apply?
Anyone – healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, managers, politicians, public servants, industry and academia members, or any person who has a great idea how to improve Israel’s health system or contribute to the public health.What are the selection criteria?It needs to be about healthcare or related, a 5 minutes talk, you have to agree to be filmed and share your talk publically (including social media).
How to Apply?
Use the following form: describe your talk (up to 250 words); fill contact details and if possible, attach a link/s to a video of you (up to 90-seconds) presenting the idea of the talk, or a ready video of you, giving a public presentation.

Terms of Submission
Please complete the form and fill in all the fields marked with a red asterisk. The form contains up to 3 links to presenter’s videos (talks, lectures or presentations) available on the Internet. Sending a video can greatly improve chances.
Submission terms: English / Hebrew speaking capability, a 5-minute talk related to Healthcare, and consent to be publicly shared in any media selected by the Forum.
Disclaimer of confidentiality and approval of the use of materials: The sender of the form approves the use of the submitted information, including the attached materials, and publication of these materials, without the need for prior approval. More info: Speakers are chosen by a volunteer content committee. It focuses on the quality of content and presentation skills. Submissions will undergo an initial screening process, in which the degree of their suitability to the format and level of their public/professional interest will be examined, together with other criteria. Chosen talks might be asked to appear before a content committee (presenters will receive a personal message). Those who move to this stage will be able to undergo professional training by the ‘Barry Katz’ company, which specializes in preparing for lectures, conversations and presentation according to the required format (training at a lower cost, highly recommended).