Reboot Forum’s Health Talks
‘Health Talks’ are basically fascinating speeches and lectures on health-related issues. That’s the ultimate way to influence, criticize, raise public/professional awareness or to share innovative ideas with Israel’s health community and the general public. Selected talks are published on national news media, leading websites and various social media platforms.
Our ‘Sustainable Health’ Summits and annual meetings are where the health community in Israel team-up, once a year. It’s where senior decision-makers, public and professional figures, entrepreneurs, experts, and thought leaders meet and share thoughts, ideas, challenges, and solutions. These gatherings serve as a unique platform for public debate and also for presenting featured ‘Health Talks’. Other opportunities to talk are through our collaborations with media outlets. In the last years, HEALTH TALKS are filmed and published exclusively by Yedioth-Aharonot/Ynet and are available in Ynet and in YouTube, reaching millions of views.
Do you want to Talk?
‘Health Talks’ speakers are chosen by a volunteer content committee, once a year. Anyone can apply. Rules of the format are: a 5 minutes talk, It has to be on healthcare (or related), you agree to share it publically. Submit your talk here: